Meet the Team

(names in alphabetical order)

Youth Co-Researchers

The 15 Youth Co-Researchers bring diverse geographic representation and lived experience, and the majority identify within historically excluded communities, including, 2S/ LGBTQIA+, racialized, and new immigrant persons. Many of the youth co-researchers sit on the National Youth Advisory Board for Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights; while other youth bring experience with various youth sexual health programs including Wellness Within (Halifax), FOXY- Fostering Open eXpression Among Youth (Yellowknife) and Estelle (Québec). To protect youth’s identities, the YCRs decided to include their first names and broad geographic locations.

Principal Investigators

  • Dr. Carmen Logie (she/her), co-PI

    Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work; Canada Research Chair in Global Health Equity & Social Justice for Marginalized Populations, University of Toronto

  • Dr. Charlotte Loppie (she/her), co-PI

    Professor Emerita, School of Public Health and Social Policy, founding director, Centre for Indigenous Research & Community Engagement, University of Victoria

  • Dr. A.J. Lowik (they/them), co-PI

    Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology - Trans and Critical Health Studies, University of Lethbridge; President, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada

  • Dr. Kate Shannon (she/her), co-PI

    Professor, Social Medicine; Associate Faculty, School of Population & Public Health; CIHR Sex & Gender Science Chair, University of British Columbia

Affiliated Staff & Students

  • Navita Dhillion (she/her)

    4th Year MD Sexual Health Research Elective Student / Research Assistant, University of Northern British Columbia

    Research focuses on intersections of youth sexual and mental health and gaps in sexual health care, particular for racialized, immigrant, and queer youth.

  • Aryssa Hasham (she/her)

    Workshop Co-Facilitator; Research Coordinator, University of Toronto (supervisor: Dr. Logie).

    Masters degree in Sociology. Research interests include Indigenous and racialized women’s sexual and reproductive rights and health, with a particular emphasis on abortion attitudes and access.

  • Frannie MacKenzie (she/her)

    Workshop Co-Facilitator; Research Coordinator, University of Toronto (supervisor: Dr. Logie)

    Research interests in intersections of climate justice, sexual and reproductive health equity, access, and stigma.

  • Carlie McPhee (she/they)

    Project Coordinator - Youth Sexual Health & Reproductive Justice

    Sexual & Reproductive Health, Policy & Social Justice Research Lab, University of British Columbia; Sexual Health Educator

Knowledge Users & Co-Investigators

  • Dr. Brittany Bingham (she/her), co-I

    Member of Shíshálh Nation; Assistant Professor, Social Medicine, University of British Columbia; research interests Indigenous health equity

  • Frédérique Chabot (she/her), Lead Knowledge User

    Acting Executive Director, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

  • Nicole Pasquino (she/her), Knowledge User

    Clinical Policy Director/ Practice Consultant, Options for Sexual Health; Sexual Health Faculty Lead, BC Institute of Technology (BCIT)

  • Dr. Andrea Krüsi (she/her), co-I

    Assistant Professor, Criminology, Simon Fraser University; research interests in criminalization of sexuality, qualitative and participatory arts-based research methods

Partners & Funders