What is Community-Engaged Research?
Our team is committed to advancing equitable sexual health and reproductive justice research in partnership with youth. Through practices of relational community-engaged research, reciprocity and interconnected knowledge mobilization, we aim to generate evidence that (re)-centres youth voices within conversations on sexual and reproductive health care and social justice about youth’s own lives.
Youth Co-Researchers
In 2024, in partnership with Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights’ National Youth Advisory Board, we hosted a series of planning workshops with 15 youth co-researchers from across Canada hired to join the team. Youth co-researchers play an active role in the community-engaged research project from planning workshops to develop and refine research priorities and questions (phase I) and interviewing youth participants (phase II) to analyses and knowledge translation workshops (phase III) to reflect back the youth stories from the research to clinicians, policy makers, and general public on equitable, youth-centred sexual and reproductive health care.
The Youth Co-Researchers (YCRs) on the team joined from the National Youth Advisory Board and referred from other partner organizations and collaborators, bringing diverse geographic, intersectional identities and lived experience perspectives.