Research Phases
Working with the National Youth Advisory Board of Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights and partner organizations, in 2024 a team of 15 youth co-researchers from across Canada were hired to join community-academic research team to play an active role from guidance on research questions, conduct the qualitative interviews with youth, review and coding of interview transcripts to co-development of knowledge translation (KT) products
Phase I: In 2024, 15 youth co-researchers from across Canada engaged in a series of virtual planning workshops to set collective research priorities, roles for relational youth partnered research, and engaged in capacity-building to create and plan for arts-based and qualitative research with, by and for youth.
Phase II: In early 2025, we began a series of ~150 qualitative, in-depth interviews and participatory digital mapping with youth from across Canada, led by the youth co-researchers. Purposive sampling aims to reach diverse youth voices (e.g. 2S/ LGBTQIA+, Indigeneity, racialized, more rural and remote geography, new immigrant).
Phase III: In the fall of 2025, we will host a series of youth knowledge mobilization (KM) workshops with the youth co-researchers to design and create youth-led KM products (e.g videos, storyboards, visuals) on youth-centred, equitable sexual health care to share back with policy makers, providers, and general public.